Image representing Muse Wellbeing PSHE and RSE curriculum for primary schools

Better Wellbeing
For All Children

Muse Wellbeing provides holistic RSHE and wellbeing learning materials for Primary school aged children. Our weekly lesson plans and resources are created by teachers to be fun, engaging and inspiring for all children.

We believe in nurturing the growth of resilient and caring students in all schools.
Muse learning resources are created using the latest research to enable student engagement and support. 

Weekly Lessons
From Year 1
To Year 6


Of Differentiated

One Curriculum. Complete Wellbeing.

Muse Wellbeing is fully aligned to meet and exceed the 2020 RSHE statutory guidance.
We believe in nurturing the growth of resilient and caring children in all schools.
Empower your community’s Wellbeing with weekly lesson plans and tailored learning resources.


“The resources are really fun and easy to use. My students loved them in our Y2 class and we did some great activities that helped generate discussions on feelings and mental health.”

Sarah, Year 3 classroom teacher


“My class loved the lessons - really practical and clear. It’s great not having to search everywhere for PSHE resources all over the internet.”

Emily, Primary SEN Teacher


“We're using Muse for our whole school PSHE/RSE curriculum. The children love it and staff feel supported with easy-to-follow slides and quality activities.”

Dan, KS1 Phase Leader


“The lessons have been brilliant so far. Solid planning and engaging visuals. It’s modern and genuinely useful for starting proper conversations in class.”

Priya, Year 6 Teacher

The Muse Curriculum’s
Five Core Values

Mental & Physical

Positive & Respectful

Global Citizenship &
Community Care

Personal Growth
& Economic

Citizenship &
Online Safety

Image representing Muse Wellbeing PSHE and RSE curriculum for primary schools

See What’s It’s All About

Write your awesome label here.
Image representing Muse Wellbeing PSHE and RSE curriculum for primary schools

Gain Access
To All Resources Today!

Speedy access to all Muse lessons and learning resources for all year groups. Get FREE whole school access
with no payment details required. It’s time for better wellbeing in your school community.
Image representing Muse Wellbeing PSHE and RSE curriculum for primary schools

Unlimited access for all

staff, teachers and students
in your school.

Lesson and curriculum
for all beta access

Lesson and curriculum
for all beta access

Complete FREE curriculum access!

That’s right! The Muse Wellbeing curriculum is currently 100% free for your whole school to use in all classrooms, all academic year. We are in beta development and ensuring our curriculum is the best it can be for your students. That means you get complete free access to all weekly lessons and learning resources!
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